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  • AIEA-NBER Conference 2019
    • 38 Participants

    • Date: 2019-08-16 (Fri)  ~  2019-08-18 (Sun) 08:30 ~ 20:30

    • National University of Singapore

    • 2019-08-01 ~ 2019-08-15



    Mission & 2019 Theme

    The AIEA-NBER Conference Series is a collaboration between the Asian Innovation and Entrepreneurship Association (AIEA) and the National Bureau of Economic research (NBER). The 7th AIEA-NBER conference is to be held at the National University of Singapore Business School on August 16-18. The conference series focuses on research in the economics and management of innovation and entrepreneurship, highlights the role of innovation and entrepreneurship in shaping economic prosperity, and provides a forum bringing together leading scholars from both the US and Asia to enhance collaboration within our research community. This year, one of major themes is "Innovation Governance in the Digital Era". 


    Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    • Innovation governance in the digital Era  
    • The changing nature of innovation, including the rise of Digitization, such as AI, autonomous machines, big data, 3D printing, social networking and the changing nature of the process of innovation and entrepreneurship
    • Innovation; economic growth; and new insight into the drivers and structure of the knowledge production function
    • The evolution of intellectual property management and policy
    • Regional and global trends in the development of innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems
    • Industrial convergence, including increasing integration between manufacturing and services
    • The role of user-driven innovation and crowdsourcing
